Previous Release Announcements
24 May 2017
Samba 4.6.4, 4.5.10 and 4.4.14 Security Releases Available for Download
These are security releases in order to address CVE-2017-7494 (Remote code execution from a writable share).
The 4.6.4 source code can be downloaded now. A patch against Samba 4.6.3 is also available. See the release notes for more info.
The 4.5.10 source code can be downloaded now. A patch against Samba 4.5.9 is also available. See the release notes for more info.
The 4.4.14 source code can be downloaded now. A patch against Samba 4.4.13 is also available. See the release notes for more info.
CVE ID Not Found
A vulnerability has been identified, and possibly a CVE has been assigned, why is it not in your database?
Although a CVE ID may have been assigned by either CVE or a CAN, it will not be available in the NVD if it has a status of RESERVED by CVE.
Please check the CVE dictionary first, and if you have further questions about a specific CVE and when it will be available, please contact directly.
Reference ID: NWVD-NDEx
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