itune ヘルプ
電源ボタン+ホームボタン 長押し 15秒
ホームボタン 長押し 10秒
Probably forced into DFU mode externally
[21:24:04.0208] Restore completed, status:4005
[21:24:04.0208] Failure Description:
[21:24:04.0208] Depth:0 Code:4005 Error:Gave up waiting for device to transition from DFU state to DFU state.
ipad ipadを復元できませんでした。不明なエラーが発生しました(4005)
ログの [22:03:13.0644] Finished DFU Restore Phase: Successful
で止まった瞬間に USB抜き差し
ipad リカバリーモード
問題が起きている場合 ipadを復元をクリックして 初期状態の設定に復元することができます
[22:03:13.0644] Finished DFU Restore Phase: Successful
[22:03:39.0714] DFU mode device disconnected
[22:03:39.0714] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state
[22:03:39.0714] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Transitioning'
[22:03:39.0714] Creating timer to monitor transition
[22:03:39.0714] Creating a timer for 10 minutes
[22:03:41.0740] DFU mode device connected
[22:03:41.0740] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
[22:03:41.0741] Canceling timer
[22:03:41.0741] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Restoring'
[22:03:41.0741] Restore completed, status:4014
[22:03:41.0741] Failure Description:
[22:03:41.0741] Depth:0 Code:4014 Error:Unexpected device state 'DFU' expected 'Recovery' (Probably forced into DFU mode externally)
[22:03:41.0741] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR - [state:DFU remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:2 (current state)] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:1]
[22:03:41.0741] Unexpected device state 'DFU' expected 'Recovery' (Probably forced into DFU mode externally)
[22:03:41.0742] Changing state from 'Restoring' to 'Error'
[22:03:41.0742] State is now set to error: Unexpected device state 'DFU' expected 'Recovery' (Probably forced into DFU mode externally)
ipad ipadを復元できませんでした。不明なエラーが発生しました(4014)
apple mobile device service 停止 自動
C:\Users\Users\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPad Updater Logs
iPadUpdater 999.log
[21:13:54.0052] Starting State: DFU
[21:14:05.0641] Finished DFU Restore Phase: Successful
[21:24:04.0147] Timer fired to timeout transitioning device
[21:24:04.0147] Changing state from 'Transitioning' to 'Disappeared'
[21:24:04.0147] Device disappeared during transition
[21:24:04.0208] Restore completed, status:4005
[21:24:04.0208] Failure Description:
[21:24:04.0208] Depth:0 Code:4005 Error:Gave up waiting for device to transition from DFU state to DFU state.
C:\Users\Users\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes\iPad Software Updates