How to troubleshoot app package signature errors



Error code Error Description Suggestion
0x80073CF0 ERROR_INSTALL_OPEN_PACKAGE_FAILED The app package could not be opened. This error typically indicates a problem with the package. You need to build and sign the package again. For more info, see Using App Packager.
0x80080205 APPX_E_INVALID_BLOCKMAP The app package has been tampered with or has an invalid block map. The package is corrupted. You need to build and sign the package again. For more info, see Using App Packager.
0x800B0004 TRUST_E_SUBJECT_NOT_TRUSTED The app package has been tampered with. The package contents no longer match its digital signature. You need to sign the package again. For more info, see How to sign an app package using SignTool.
0x800B0100 TRUST_E_NOSIGNATURE The app package is unsigned. Only signed Windows Store app packages can be deployed. For info about signing an app package, see How to sign an app package using SignTool.
0x800B0109 CERT_E_UNTRUSTED_ROOT The certificate chain that was used to sign the app package ends in a root certificate that isn't trusted. Continue to Step 2 to troubleshoot the certificate trust.
0x800B010A CERT_E_CHAINING No certificate chain could be built to a trusted root authority from the cert that was used to sign the app package. Continue to Step 2 to troubleshoot the certificate trust.


cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate 更新失敗: ダウンロードに失敗しました。 cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: ...
