Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders

Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders


Personalize logon screen using local pictures

1. Create one folder named MouseWithoutBorders under \Windows\Web\ directory.
2. Drop your photos there (jpg only).
3. In a cmd windows, run del "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp\Low\MM.Local.Indexer.txt" then restart Mouse without Borders.

Customize your keyboard layout

You may want to play around with your keyboard layout by mapping a virtual key to another one, you can come up with a new layout you would invent:) This feature is for advanced users only.

For example, if you want to convert your QWERTY keyboard to a DVORAK keyboard then these are steps:

 Run the following commands as Admin to set the virtual key mappings (you can also use Regedit to do this):
 reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MouseWithoutBorders /v VKFrom /t REG_SZ /d "081,087,069,082,084,089,085,073,079,080,0219,0221,083,068,070,071,072,074,075,076,186,222,090,088,067,086,066,078,188,190,191,189,187" /f
 reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MouseWithoutBorders /v VKTo /t REG_SZ /d "222,188,190,080,089,070,071,067,082,076,191,187,079,069,085,073,068,072,084,078,083,189,186,081,074,075,088,066,087,086,090,219,221" /f
 In the Settings form, check the option Use Key Mappings then you are good to go (default hotkey to toggle this option is Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K).
This is just an example. FYI, Windows does support Dvorak layout, the difference here is that this app skips the mapping when Ctrl key is down so Ctrl+[X,C,V] work as original layout.

Discussions/Posts in other languages

マウス / キーボード を、複数のパソコン間で共有する!

Mouse without Borders: Vier PCs, eine Maus

Utilize vários computadores com apenas um mouse e um teclado!

Mouse Without Borders : une souris pour plusieurs PC

讓滑鼠破「窗」而出的免費 Microsoft KVM 程式

Un mouse una tastiera per 4 PC: ordine sulla scrivania

Mouse without Borders – управляем четырьмя ПК одной мышью и клавиатурой

Microsoft 복수의 PC의 마우스, 키보드를 LAN에서 공유가능하게 하는 Mouse without Borders 공개

Mouse Without Borders, kendalikan banyak komputer dengan satu mouse

Điều khiển nhiều máy tính với 1 chuột 1 bàn phím
Users love Mouse Without Borders

As you are reading this far, you probably have good reasons to try out the app ^.^! And here is an additional reason: Can you name a piece of software that has a lot of love from users as radom expressions longing for years on twitter:

Mouse Without Borders is why I believe software is made of miracles.
Mouse without Borders has to be the most under appreciated, underrated app that has ever come from @microsoft.
I've just discovered Mouse without Borders and it's everything I've ever dreamed of ^_^ Controlling two laptops with one mouse & keyboard!
Mouse without Borders is definitely toward the top of my list of favorite software apps of the year. Very useful.
Mouse Without Borders, "That's weird. That's wrong."
Dear lord this thing is amazing. Mouse Without Borders is a lot more stable
Mouse Without Borders: One of the best things i've seen in my entire life.
Microsoft Garage, I draw my hat before you. MouseWithoutBorders is just one of the most awesomest things.
Mouse without Borders - How did i not find this earlier...what a brilliant piece of kit!
Wow! Life changing Microsoft download: Mouse Without Borders! Oh, little program, where've you been all my life?
Mouse without Borders is such a great software, it's a shame too many don't know about it and how well it works.
mouse without borders is finally giving my laptop purpose
Seriously - why did I not install Mouse without Borders before now - it is amazing! 1 workstation + 2 laptops with 1 keyboard & mouse!
Mouse without Borders is awesome! It should just be a native part of #Windows
Mouse without borders is the most practical thing ive seen
How in the heck did no one tell me about Mouse without Borders before now??!?!?
Mouse Without Borders by @Microsoft is the best thing that has happened to me now that I have 2 laptops
How have I not heard of "Microsoft Garage Mouse Without Borders" before? Now I don't want to sell my @surface pro
Mouse without borders. Fantastic idea amazing implementation
Loving the Mouse without borders. I just felt free now I can fly. @Microsoft #microsoftGarage team
OMG!  Why am I only just now learning about Mouse without Borders. LOVING IT!!!!
Mouse Without Borders is quite possibly the most amazing thing ever.
I don't know how I lived before using "Mouse Without Borders" to get my mouse/kybd to work across both my Surface Pro 2 & Lenovo X1 Carbon
Best thing discovered today - Mouse without Borders
Mouse Without Borders is, by far, the best software product I have ever used.
Mouse Without Borders has changed my life. Makes working from home 100 times better. Seamless switching from gaming rig to workstation
Loving my mouse without borders! It's made my workflow so much smoother.
So, Mouse Without Borders just completely changed my "work life"...! Check it out.
Mouse Without Borders is a lifesaver when working from my home PC with my Surface next to it. Seriously
Mouse without Borders is amazing by the way. Can't believe it took me this long to start using it.
Shout out to Mouse Without Borders. Working from home would be SO much more difficult without it. Allows me to use my primary mouse/keyboard between my laptop and desktop seamlessly. Love it!
Mouse without borders installed. What are you folks turning me into? Scary good. Catching up on technology clearly.
I just showed WyldJr the awesomeness that is Mouse Without Borders and she now thinks I'm a cool wizard.
My desktop, notebook and me are in love to mouse without borders.  Great piece of software.
Have had multiple computers for a few years yet inexplicably had not ever looked into Microsoft Garage Mouse without Borders. Now I have and I really wish I had done it a long time ago...
With mouse without borders my life is now complete. Freely use mice and keyboard between separate computers
Magic Mouse fun facts

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Mouse without Borders Android

Mouse without Borders XP

Mouse without Borders Mac

Microsoft Garage

mouse without borders インストールできない

Mouse without borders chromebook

ノートパソコン デスクトップ キーボード共有

Mouse without Borders Linux

Mouse without Borders Bluetooth

Input Director


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