

As Intel becomes aware of computer maker schedules for updated firmware this list will be updated:

HP Inc. - http://www8.hp.com/us/en/intelmanageabilityissue.html
HP Enterprise - http://h22208.www2.hpe.com/eginfolib/securityalerts/CVE-2017-5689-Intel/CVE-2017-5689.html
Lenovo - https://support.lenovo.com/us/en/product_security/LEN-14963
Fujitsu - http://www.fmworld.net/globalpc/intel_firmware/
Dell Client - http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/extras/m/white_papers/20443914
Dell EMC - http://en.community.dell.com/techcenter/extras/m/white_papers/20443937
Acer -  https://us.answers.acer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/47605
Asus - https://www.asus.com/News/uztEkib4zFMHCn5r
Panasonic - http://pc-dl.panasonic.co.jp/itn/info/osinfo20170512.html
Toshiba - https://support.toshiba.com/sscontent?contentId=4015668
Getac - http://intl.getac.com/aboutgetac/activities/activities_2017051648.html
Intel – NUC, Compute Stick and Desktop Boards
Samsung - http://www.samsung.com/uk/support/intel_update/

About the Intel manageability firmware critical vulnerability
Last updated: May 26, 2017
On May 1, Intel published a security advisory regarding a critical firmware vulnerability in certain systems that utilize Intel® Active Management Technology (AMT), Intel® Standard Manageability (ISM) or Intel® Small Business Technology (SBT). The vulnerability could enable a network attacker to remotely gain access to business PCs or devices that use these technologies. Consumer PCs with consumer firmware and data center servers using Intel® Server Platform Services are not affected by this vulnerability.
We understand you may be concerned about this vulnerability. We have created this page to help you understand the issue, assess whether your system is impacted, and take appropriate action.




この接続ではプライバシーが保護されません 攻撃者が、.jp 上のあなたの情報(パスワード、メッセージ、クレジット カード情報など)を不正に取得しようとしている可能性があります。この警告の詳細 net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID このサーバーが .j...
