KSK Rollover Postponed
KSK Rollover Postponed
KSK Rollover Postponed
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The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") today announced that the plan to change the cryptographic key that helps protect the Domain Name System (DNS) is being postponed.
Changing the key involves generating a new cryptographic key pair and distributing the new public component to the Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC)-validating resolvers. Based on the estimated number of Internet users who use DNSSEC validating resolvers, an estimated one-in-four global Internet users, or 750 million people, could be affected by the KSK rollover.
DNSSEC Key Signing Key Rollover Postponed
Original release date: September 29, 2017
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has announced that the change to the Root Zone Key Signing Key (KSK) scheduled for October 11, 2017, has been postponed. A new date for the Key Roll has not yet been determined.
関連文書 (日本語)
株式会社日本レジストリサービス (JPRS)
一般社団法人日本ネットワークインフォメーションセンター (JPNIC)
JPCERT/CC WEEKLY REPORT 2017-07-26号【一口メモ】
速やかにキャッシュ DNS サーバの設定の見直しを
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