Connection Activity There's no activity in your feed yet. Please check back soon.

Connection Activity There's no activity in your feed yet. Please check back soon.
The requested page or file does not exist. Explore services instead!

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Common errors and troubleshooting tips
7 months ago Updated
About troubleshooting
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Double-check the trigger and action fields
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IoT devices (smart home products, voice assistants, etc)
File Not Found error
Where to go for further help
About troubleshooting
We'll provide some basic troubleshooting steps below, but check out the communities of IFTTT experts on Reddit or Hackster.io to see if your problem is known or being experienced by other users.

Edit your service
Go to ifttt.com or the mobile app and locate the service you're having trouble with
Locate the ⚙︎ Settings menu on the top right
Select EDIT
You'll be taken to a page where you can reconnect the service to IFTTT
Here's a screenshot to help you see where to locate the menu:

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