Upgrade error codes
4 minutes to read
Greg Lindsay Liza Poggemeyer Nick Schonning
Applies to
Windows 10
This is a 400 level topic (advanced).
See Resolve Windows 10 upgrade errors for a full list of topics in this article.
If the upgrade process is not successful, Windows Setup will return two codes:
A result code: The result code corresponds to a specific Win32 or NTSTATUS error.
An extend code: The extend code contains information about both the phase in which an error occurred, and the operation that was being performed when the error occurred.
For example, a result code of 0xC1900101 with an extend code of 0x4000D will be returned as: 0xC1900101 - 0x4000D.
Note: If only a result code is returned, this can be because a tool is being used that was not able to capture the extend code. For example, if you are using the Windows 10 Upgrade Assistant then only a result code might be returned.
If you are unable to locate the result and extend error codes, you can attempt to find these codes using Event Viewer. For more information, see Windows Error Reporting.
Result codes
A result code of 0xC1900101 is generic and indicates that a rollback occurred. In most cases, the cause is a driver compatibility issue.
To troubleshoot a failed upgrade that has returned a result code of 0xC1900101, analyze the extend code to determine the Windows Setup phase, and see the Resolution procedures section later in this article.
The following set of result codes are associated with Windows Setup compatibility warnings:
Result code Message Description
0xC1900210 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_SCANONLY Setup did not find any compat issue
0xC1900208 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_INSTALLREQ_BLOCK Setup found an actionable compat issue, such as an incompatible app
0xC1900204 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_MIGCHOICE_BLOCK The migration choice selected is not available (ex: Enterprise to Home)
0xC1900200 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_SYSREQ_BLOCK The computer is not eligible for Windows 10
0xC190020E MOSETUP_E_INSTALLDISKSPACE_BLOCK The computer does not have enough free space to install
結果コード メッセージ 説明
0xC1900210 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_SCANONLY セットアップの互換性の問題が見つかりませんでした。
0xC1900208 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_INSTALLREQ_BLOCK 互換性のないアプリなどの実践的な互換性の問題を検出します。
0xC1900204 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_MIGCHOICE_BLOCK 移行選択したオプションは利用できません (例: 企業はホーム)
0xC1900200 MOSETUP_E_COMPAT_SYSREQ_BLOCK コンピューターが Windows 10 の対象ではないです。
0xC190020E MOSETUP_E_INSTALLDISKSPACE_BLOCK コンピューターにインストールするための十分な空き領域がないです。
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