Adobeは、2018年8月14日火曜日に、Adobe AcrobatとReader for WindowsとmacOSのセキュリティアップデートをリリースする予定です。
Upcoming Security Updates for Adobe Acrobat and Reader (APSB18-29)
A prenotification security advisory (APSB18-29) has been posted regarding upcoming Adobe Acrobat and Reader updates scheduled for Tuesday, August 14, 2018.
We will continue to provide updates on the upcoming release via the Security Bulletins and Advisories page as well as the Adobe PSIRT Blog.
Product Track Affected Versions Platform Priority rating
Acrobat DC Continuous
2018.011.20055 and earlier versions
Windows and macOS 2
Acrobat Reader DC Continuous
2018.011.20055 and earlier versions
Windows and macOS 2
Acrobat 2017 Classic 2017 2017.011.30096 and earlier versions Windows and macOS 2
Acrobat Reader 2017 Classic 2017 2017.011.30096 and earlier versions Windows and macOS 2
Acrobat DC Classic 2015 2015.006.30434 and earlier versions
Windows and macOS 2
Acrobat Reader DC Classic 2015 2015.006.30434 and earlier versions
Windows and macOS 2
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