Today's CPU vulnerability: what you need to know



Today's CPU vulnerability: what you need to know

January 3, 2018



What Google Cloud, G Suite and Chrome customers need to know about the industry-wide CPU vulnerability

Published Jan 3, 2018

Last year, Google’s Project Zero security team discovered a vulnerability affecting modern microprocessors.


We have discovered that CPU data cache timing can be abused to efficiently leak information out of mis-speculated execution, leading to (at worst) arbitrary virtual memory read vulnerabilities across local security boundaries in various contexts.

Variants of this issue are known to affect many modern processors, including certain processors by Intel, AMD and ARM. For a few Intel and AMD CPU models, we have exploits that work against real software. We reported this issue to Intel, AMD and ARM on 2017-06-01 [1].

So far, there are three known variants of the issue:

Variant 1: bounds check bypass (CVE-2017-5753)
Variant 2: branch target injection (CVE-2017-5715)
Variant 3: rogue data cache load (CVE-2017-5754)


Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Announcing Project Zero



N117 ドコモ dアカウント設定 n117

【外部リンク】 https://id.smt.docomo.ne.jp/src/utility/errorcode_list.html 「DAUTH」から始まるエラーコードの場合 【DAUTH-A】エラーコード一覧 その他、dアカウント設定アプリ内で表示されるエラーコー...
