How to troubleshoot an error when you run the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool
Error code Cause Use this procedure
0x80508019 The scan destination file or drive does not exist. Change the scan destination file or drive
0x80508007 The system has low memory. Retry the scan
0x8050800C The system state prohibits the scan from running in a specific user context. Restart the computer, and retry the scan
0x8050A005 The signatures are not signed. Download the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool again
0x8050A002 The signature database is corrupted. Download the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool again
0x8050A004 The signatures are not valid or are corrupted. Download the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool again
0x80508002 The signature database is corrupted. Download the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool again
0x80508004 The signature database is corrupted. Download the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool again
0x8050A001 The engine could not load because there are signatures missing. Update your computer, and retry the scan
0x80508001 The engine could not load. Update your computer, and retry the scan
0x80508025 To complete the action, the user must follow a procedure. For example, the user must change a system setting. Follow the instructions in the log or in the notification
0x80508024 To complete the operation, the user must run a full scan and then take the action again. Run a full scan
0x80508026 One of the resources is part of a container. For example, one of the resources is a file in an archive. Identify the file archive, and remove the file manually
To perform a procedure that is listed in the table, see the following procedures.
文書番号:891717 - 最終更新日: 2012/07/18 - リビジョン: 1
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