Error Codes

Error Codes
ASF Error Codes

The following table contains ASF-specific error values in alphabetical order.
Error code Hexadecimal value Description
ASF_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED 0xC00D07F7L This object has already been initialized; the setting cannot be changed.
ASF_E_BADDATADESCRIPTOR 0xC00D0802L One or more data descriptors are not properly set.
ASF_E_BADDATAUNIT 0xC00D080DL The given data unit is corrupted, badly formatted, or otherwise not valid.
DRM-Related Error and Success Codes
Error code Hexadecimal value Description
NS_E_DRM_INVALID_APPLICATION 0xC00D2711L A problem has occurred in the Digital Rights Management component. Contact product support for this application.
NS_E_DRM_LICENSE_STORE_ERROR 0xC00D2712L License storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.
NS_E_DRM_SECURE_STORE_ERROR 0xC00D2713L Secure storage is not working. Contact Microsoft product support.
Other Error Codes

The following table contains some of the non-ASF error codes that may be encountered while using the Windows Media Format SDK.
Error code Hexadecimal value Description
E_FAIL 0x80000008L Unspecified error.
E_INVALIDARG 0x80000003L Invalid argument sent to a function.
E_NOTIMPL 0x80000001L Function is not yet implemented.



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