Alert (TA16-091A)
Ransomware and Recent Variants
Kaspersky Lab, Kaspersky Lab detects mobile Trojan Svpeng: Financial malware with ransomware capabilities now targeting U.S. (link is external)
Sophos / Naked Security, What’s next for ransomware? CryptoWall picks up where CryptoLocker left off (link is external)
Symantec, CryptoDefence, the CryptoLocker Imitator, Makes Over $34,000 in One Month (link is external)
Symantec, Cryptolocker: A Thriving Menace (link is external)
Symantec, Cryptolocker Q&A: Menace of the Year (link is external)
Symantec, International Takedown Wounds Gameover Zeus Cybercrime Network (link is external)
Sophos / Naked Security, “Locky” ransomware – what you need to know (link is external)
McAfee Labs Threat Advisory: Ransomware-Locky. March 9, 2016 (link is external)
SamSam: The Doctor Will See You, After He Pays The Ransom
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au ID セッションタイムアウトになりました。再度接続してください。(CCAE0003) ※何度も、このエラーが表示される場合は、ご利用のブラウザでCookieを受け入れる設定に変更を行ってください。 【外部リンク】