Top 100 programming languages
Top 100 programming languages
We’re going to start the list of top 100 programming languages by listing the top 20 programming languages, their comparison with the last year’s numbers, etc.
Mar 2017 Mar 2016 Change Programming Language Ratings Change
1 1 Java 16.384% -4.14%
2 2 C 7.742% -6.86%
3 3 C++ 5.184% -1.54%
4 4 C# 4.409% +0.14%
5 5 Python 3.919% -0.34%
6 7 change Visual Basic .NET 3.174% +0.61%
7 6 change PHP 3.009% +0.24%
8 8 JavaScript 2.667% +0.33%
9 11 change Delphi/Object Pascal 2.544% +0.54%
10 14 change Swift 2.268% +0.68%
11 9 change Perl 2.261% +0.01%
12 10 change Ruby 2.254% +0.02%
13 12 change Assembly language 2.232% +0.39%
14 16 change R 2.016% +0.73%
15 13 change Visual Basic 2.008% +0.33%
16 15 change Objective-C 1.997% +0.54%
17 48 change Go 1.982% +1.78%
18 18 MATLAB 1.854% +0.66%
19 19 PL/SQL 1.672% +0.48%
20 26 change Scratch 1.472% +0.70%
Source: TIOBE
For the first time, in TIOBE’s index, Swift has entered in the top 10 list. Swift was launched 3 years ago for replacing iOS development language Objective-C. However, TIOBE index predicts that Swift isn’t expected to rise much further as its use is limited to Apple’s ecosystem.
Let’s take a look at the top 21-50 programming languages:
Position Programming Language Ratings
21 SAS 1.285%
22 D 1.230%
23 Dart 1.200%
24 ABAP 1.154%
25 COBOL 1.039%
26 Ada 0.781%
27 Fortran 0.740%
28 Transact-SQL 0.738%
29 Lua 0.736%
30 Scala 0.719%
31 Logo 0.717%
32 F# 0.688%
33 Lisp 0.656%
34 LabVIEW 0.577%
35 Prolog 0.544%
36 Haskell 0.502%
37 Scheme 0.478%
38 Groovy 0.466%
39 RPG (OS/400) 0.435%
40 Apex 0.426%
41 Erlang 0.412%
42 MQL4 0.396%
43 Rust 0.382%
44 Bash 0.348%
45 Ladder Logic 0.339%
46 Q 0.321%
47 Julia 0.320%
48 Alice 0.290%
49 VHDL 0.281%
50 Awk 0.264%
Source: TIOBE
The final top 51-100 programming languages have been listed below in an alphabetical manner. It’s not a ranking as their differences are very small:
Top Programming languages 51-100
(Visual) FoxPro, ABC, ActionScript, APL, AutoLISP, bc, BlitzMax, Bourne shell, C shell, CFML, cg, CL (OS/400), Clipper, Clojure, Common Lisp, Crystal, Eiffel, Elixir, Elm, Emacs Lisp, Forth, Hack, Icon, IDL, Inform, Io, J, Korn shell, Kotlin, Maple, ML, NATURAL, NXT-G, OCaml, OpenCL, OpenEdge ABL, Oz, PL/I, PowerShell, REXX, Ring, S, Smalltalk, SPARK, SPSS, Standard ML, Stata, Tcl, VBScript, Verilog
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