Support ending for Windows 10 Mobile in 2019 (published December 21, 2018)
Applies to: Windows 10 MobileWindows 10 Mobile Ent v1709
Windows 10 Mobile End of Support: FAQ
Applies to: Windows 10 Mobile
General Windows 10 Mobile
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What does end of support for Windows 10 Mobile entail?
What does end of support mean for customers?
Will my apps continue to be supported?
Are Lumia or Microsoft devices supported differently?
I just purchased a Windows 10 Mobile phone; can I return the phone for reimbursement?
What should Windows 10 Mobile customers do now?
Will existing updates for Windows 10 Mobile continue to be available, and for how long?
Will I still be able to recover my device image?
Will my device still work after December 10, 2019?
How do I know if I have a Windows 10 Mobile?
Commercial Business
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Why is Microsoft ending support for Windows 10 Mobile for commercial customers?
Is there a different migration path for an enterprise who have purchased a large number of Windows 10 Mobile devices?
Last Updated: Jan 3, 2019
Windows 10 Mobileサポート終了:FAQ
適用対象: Windows 10 Mobile
一般的なWindows 10 Mobile
Windows 10 Mobileのサポート終了には何が伴いますか?
私はちょうどWindows 10携帯電話を購入しました。払い戻しのために電話を返すことはできますか?
Windows 10 Mobileのユーザーは今何をすべきですか?
Windows 10 Mobile用の既存の更新プログラムは引き続き提供されますか?その期間は?
Windows 10 Mobileを使用しているかどうかはどうすればわかりますか?
マイクロソフトが商用顧客向けのWindows 10 Mobileのサポートを終了するのはなぜですか?
多数のWindows 10 Mobileデバイスを購入した企業にとって、別の移行方法はありますか?
Of course we'll continue to support the platform.. bug fixes, security updates, etc. But building new features/hw aren't the focus.
2019年のWindows 10 Mobileのサポート終了(2018年12月21日公開)
適用対象: Windows 10 Mobile Windows 10 Mobile Ent v1709
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