Wi-Fi Alliance Security
Security Update October 2017
Wi-Fi Alliance® provides trusted security to billions of Wi-Fi® devices and continues to support Wi-Fi users
Wi-Fi Alliance now requires testing for this vulnerability within our global certification lab network
Wi-Fi Alliance has provided a vulnerability detection tool for use by any Wi-Fi Alliance member
Wi-Fi Alliance is broadly communicating details on this vulnerability and remedies to device vendors and encouraging them to work with their solution providers to rapidly integrate any necessary patches
Wi-Fi Alliance® security update
Recently published research identified vulnerabilities in some Wi-Fi devices where those devices reinstall network encryption keys under certain conditions, disabling replay protection and significantly reducing the security of encryption. This issue can be resolved through straightforward software updates, and the Wi-Fi industry, including major platform providers, has already started deploying patches to Wi-Fi users. Users can expect all their Wi-Fi devices, whether patched or unpatched, to continue working well together.
There is no evidence that the vulnerability has been exploited maliciously, and Wi-Fi Alliance has taken immediate steps to ensure users can continue to count on Wi-Fi to deliver strong security protections. Wi-Fi Alliance now requires testing for this vulnerability within our global certification lab network and has provided a vulnerability detection tool for use by any Wi-Fi Alliance member. Wi-Fi Alliance is also broadly communicating details on this vulnerability and remedies to device vendors and encouraging them to work with their solution providers to rapidly integrate any necessary patches. As always, Wi-Fi users should ensure they have installed the latest recommended updates from device manufacturers.
Release Notes
October 2017 Security Updates
Release Date: October 10, 2017
In addition to security changes for the vulnerabilities, updates include defense-in-depth updates to help improve security-related features.
Known Issues
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