Modernizing Windows deployment with Windows AutoPilot
AutoPilot Reset
Enhanced Personalization
Self Service Active Directory domain join
Here’s how it works:
Hand out a brand new Windows 10 PC to the user.
The user unboxes and powers on the new Windows 10 device. With a few clicks (select language, choose keyboard layout, connect to a network), the device is recognized as your organization’s device and delivers the customized OOBE you configured. (Additional steps in the standard Windows 10 OOBE such as choosing between a personal device or a work device, selecting privacy settings, OEM registration, Cortana setup, and OneDrive setup can be skipped using Windows AutoPilot Deployment.)*
Once connected to the network, Windows prompts the user to sign with their Azure AD e-mail address and password. (The sign-in experience is branded with your organization’s name and logo before your employee enters their Azure AD sign-in information.)
Upon successful authentication, the device joins Azure AD and is automatically enrolled in Microsoft Intune or other mobile device management (MDM) solution.**
Self-service deployment for Active Directory domain-joined devices – Windows AutoPilot Deployment will enable self-service deployment capabilities to get new Windows 10 devices into an Active Directory domain-joined state along with Microsoft Intune enrollment.
Enhanced personalization for self-service deployment – Windows AutoPilot will offer the ability to pre-assign a new Windows 10 device to a specific user in your organization and deliver a highly-personalized OOBE.
Windows AutoPilot Reset – A new reset capability In Windows AutoPilot will enable organizations to easily reset their configured devices while still maintaining MDM enrollment and the Azure AD join state, and automatically get the device back into a business-ready state.
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